Posted by Allison Dunn on Jul 07, 2019
A new Rotary year is upon us, and let us say one final thank you to our now Past President Jeff Dinwiddie for his leadership this past year.
I had the opportunity to attended the Rotary International Convention in Hamburg with 28,000 Rotarians from around the world in June.  It was an amazing trip and I return with renewed excitement for the message of our new RI President, Mark Daniel Maloney, his theme of “Rotary Connects the World”.  Attending the international convention brings truth to that theme and is proof we are truly a worldwide membership organization that is making a difference every day!

Our club has an exciting year ahead of us, a year when we embark to create a new Strategic Plan with the help and guidance of Charles Weymouth... Stay tuned for more details.
In alignment with our new RI President, here are a few of my key goals’ for this year:
-              Enhanced member engagement - making sure that Rotarians have experiences that are personally and professionally relevant, fulfilling and FUN!  
-              Family-friendly Rotary opportunities -- ones that welcomes partners and children to our activities.
-              Increase our ability to adapt – that respect the time and responsibilities of current and prospective professional members.
-              Harness the power of connection – through more fellowship and social opportunities, personal rotary storytelling and hands-on volunteer service opportunities.
I welcome your ideas and suggestions for making our rotary club the very best it can be.  I look forward to leading you this year!
Yours in Rotary,
Allison Dunn