Posted by John Biggs on Sep 09, 2018
Four hundred Rotarians from all over the inter-mountain West gathered in Boise this week for the annual Zone 27-21b Institute. For the uninitiated "Zone" is big deal in the Rotary world and we were honored to be able to host it this year. The Zpne Institute is an annual training program following the three year track of club and district leadership. There were "classes" here for Current District Governors (DG), Past District Governors (PDG), DG-elect (DGE), DG Nominee (DGN), Public Image, Membership, Foundation and Council on Legislation.  All Rotarians were invited and a bunch of us attended the Friday All Club Luncheon.  They closed off the Basque Block for us that evening. There were some great speakers, great meals and the vendor's store. The Boise Center did a great job and to a visitor, they loved Boise!