Posted by michela on Aug 04, 2019
This quarter’s drive is for school supplies to support Garfield students, many of which we support through Everyday Leadership. Here’s a list of their needs. I set the goal for 20 filled backpacks this year, so each row represents one full backpack (each column represents the individual item needed). As I get confirmation that people have purchased them, I’ll update the sheet so people can see what items are needed. For example, there are 19 of 20 rows filled in the Backpack column, which means we only need 1 more backpack to reach the goal! If you get more than one of any described item, please let me know the count as well; Amazon oftentimes sells packs of these items for a much better price. 
If you want to help out but feel pinched for time, there are a few other options to make it easier for you:
1) I’ve included links to the items on Amazon in the spreadsheet
2) If you just want to donate cash, I can purchase items for you. You can give me cash or Venmo me at
Otherwise, bring your items to a meeting and I’ll collect them. If I’m not there, I’ll have someone announce it and collect. Please make sure to send me confirmation when you purchase the items so we can keep the list accurate. As always, this is a voluntary opportunity to help support a great program. 
Last quarter’s drive for Phones4Charity was a success! I still need to get some of the passcodes taken off…if you donated the phones of someone named Elizabeth, please let me know asap so I can get them shipped out.