Posted by Rich Kirkham on Mar 22, 2020
DISTRICT RAFFLE.  The District Raffle will go forward as normal.  The raffle is a very important fundraiser for our district.  Raffle proceeds help provide funds to support Youth Exchange, Paul Harris, and Club Projects. Each club will send out instructions on how they will distribute and collect tickets.  We will draw the winning raffle tickets on May 15, 2020 at the REMOTE LUAU event.  Clubs can distribute raffle tickets via USPS mail. You can sell and return the tickets by mail before May 10, 2020.  Consider having your club’s raffle coordinator simply fill out the tickets for you on your behalf, send the stubs to you, and bill you for the tickets. Thank you for your support of our annual District Raffle.  
(Note: Michela is setting up an online system for the ticket sales. More info to follow!)